- He auctioned off his furniture. 他把家具拍卖了。
- He auctioned all his old furniture. 他把所有的旧家具都拍卖掉了。
- He eld off his departure until his sister had come. 他推迟行期直到他妹妹来后才走。
- His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house. 他在找新房子时把家具存放在仓库里。
- He's decided to auction off more than just his possessions on eBay. 他决定在易趣网上拍卖掉比他所有财产更多的东西。
- He sleeved the sweat off his face. 他用袖子擦干脸上的汗水。
- He's been a bit off his oats since his illness. 他生病以来胃口就不大好。
- He flung off his opponent thrice. 他把对手摔倒三次。
- They will auction off a collection of oils. 他们将拍卖一批收藏的油画。
- He can't get his ring off his finger. 他无法指导戒指从手指上拿下来。
- He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn. 他无法赎回典当的家具。
- He can't get the ring off his finger. 他不能把戒指脱下来。
- He threw off his coat and sat down. 他急忙脱去衣服,坐了下来。
- He is going to move his furniture. 他打算把家具移动一下位置。
- Grandmother was very sad to see her lovely things being auctioned off. 祖母看到自己珍爱的东西被拍卖掉心情十分悲伤。
- He borrowed money on his furniture. 他以自己的家具作抵押借钱。
- He sold his furniture to tide over his illness. 他卖掉家具以度过病期的难关。
- He broke a rib when he fell off his horse. 他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨。
- Frozen tuna waiting to be auctioned off. 等着被拍卖的冷冻金枪鱼。
- He pulled off his overcoat and began to work. 他脱下大衣,开始工作。